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What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover in Illinois?

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover in Illinois?

Category: Coverage & Benefits

Generally,  employers in Illinois are required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. If you have suffered a work-related injury or if you develop an illness caused by performing work-related duties, you’ll want to know: what does workers’ compensation cover in Illinois? Learn more about what’s covered in this guide from the Chicago workers’ compensation attorneys at The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C., then find out how you can request a free consultation with us to get help determining whether you have a qualifying workers’ comp case.

Work-Related Injuries

Illinois provides compensation for injuries that occur “in the course of” and “arise” out of your employment. Defining those two requirements are  the subject of hundreds of Court Decisions and is a constantly evolving process, At The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C., we are proud to be part of that development ,including a favorable case in the Illinois Supreme Court (unanimous vs. United Airlines) and several other influential cases at the Arbitration, Commission, Circuit Court and Appellate Court levels.

Job-Related Illnesses and Repetitive Trauma Injuries

The question of what workers’ comp covers in Illinois does not pertain solely to injuries sustained from a one-time accident while performing your work duties. Occupational diseases or repetitive trauma injuries could also make you eligible to pursue a workers’ compensation claim.

If an employee is suffering from an injury that was caused by performing repetitive work activities, it could be considered a claim that’s covered by workers’ compensation. Repetitive trauma injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome can occur over time when performing repetitive work-related duties, and could also lead to a successful workers’ compensation claim.

Seek the Help of an Experienced Attorney

Answering questions about what Illinois workers’ comp covers can get complicated when attempting to navigate the process on your own, as the answer may vary depending on the circumstances of each individual case. If you are unsure whether the conditions of your case would allow you to file a workers’ compensation claim, it is in your best interest to seek the help of an experienced attorney immediately. A workers’ comp attorney will be able to investigate the details of your work-related incident and pick up on any potentially vital factors you might not have identified, which in turn can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Request a Consultation With The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C.

The Chicago-based attorneys at The Law Offices of Jason H. Rubens, P.C. boast an extensive record of successful workers’ comp cases within the Chicago area and throughout Illinois. Individuals who are questioning whether they can file a workers’ compensation claim can request a free consultation online to get in touch with one of our attorneys. We’ll work closely with you to understand the scope of your case, providing personalized legal advice you can trust. In your time of need, our team operates with compassion and determination to advocate for you.

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